League City Common Law Marriage Lawyer

For most, a wedding means church bells and a minster. For many more, it’s the JP at the courthouse. But the fact is, Texas is a common law marriage state. If you have questions about common law marriage, common law divorce, and issues that arise in such unions a League City Common Law Marriage Lawyer such as Rob Musemeche and his team can help. In League City, Rob Musemeche, is a Board Certified Family Law specialist, dedicated to helping his clients learn more about common law marriage in Texas and protect their rights.

What Is a Common Law Marriage?

As explained by the Texas State Law Library, a common law marriage is an informal marriage that is equally as valid and legal as a traditional marriage. Rather than having a ceremony that is officiated, however, a couple can enter a common law marriage when they:

  • Agree to be married;
  • Live together as husband and wife; and
  • Present to others that they are married (i.e. call each other husband and wife or tell others they are married).

Again, even though the ceremony is not officiated, this type of marriage is just as legal as any other type of marriage and if a couple in a common law marriage decides to separate, they will have to go through the process of divorce.

Will I Need to Prove My Common Law Marriage?

For most day-to-day activities, being married in the eyes of the law will not make a big difference; however, there are some situations in which you may need to prove that you do indeed have a common law marriage. For this reason, a League City Common Law Marriage Lawyer can be vital to providing advice and helping you protect your rights. For example, having evidence on hand of your common law marriage might be a good idea. This could include testimony from a friend or family member, a statement signed by both you and your partner saying that you hold each other out as husband and wife (or wife/wife, husband/husband), evidence of wearing wedding rings, filing a married and joint tax return, etc. The two times that it may be important to prove your common law marriage include:

  • If you are separating. If you are separating from your common law spouse, then you will likely need to prove that you had a common law marriage in order to have protections under community  property rules and other divorce laws. In League City, Rob Musemeche is a board certified family law attorney with decades of experience helping his clients achieve their goals and protect their rights.
  • Inheritance and healthcare decisions. You may also need to prove that you have a legally valid marriage in the case that something happens to your spouse and healthcare decisions need to be made, or in the case that your spouse dies and the issue of inheritance is brought into question.

Contact the Musemeche Law Firm Today

The Musemeche Law Firm is in Webster, Texas, in the Clear Lake (League City) area between Houston and Galveston. To schedule a confidential consultation with Attorney Rob Musemeche and our team, call (281) 475-4145. Our friendly staff is available to answer your questions, address your concerns, and help you take the first step towards a resolution. You can also reach us by filling out the quick and easy contact form located from the CONTACT US drop down tab, and also found throughout the website. We look forward to hearing from you, and having the chance to provide you with the trusted legal representation you need.

Remember, when it comes to family law matters, having the right attorney by your side can make all the difference. Trusted since 1988, League City Common Law Marriage Lawyer Rob Musemeche is your steadfast advocate in the courtroom and beyond.

Client Reviews

Rob Musemeche was excellent. If you are a Father who wants nothing more then to be there for your kids and not get ran over by the “traditional” treatment men get in Texas, you can bet your bottom dollar Rob Musemeche...

Alex R.

Rob is very easy to work with. He helped keep me calm during my divorce process and assured me everything would be alright. I felt as his billing was efficient and that for what he did in 2 months for me, the price was...

- Haley B.

I recently had the privilege of being represented in a private family law matter by Mr. Musemeche. I found him from a google search and decided to schedule a consultation based on the great reviews on google. I met Mr...

- Zack C.

Wow!! For family matters this is the lawyer you want on your side! Not only does he get the job done but will explain every possible direction and have it covered! He’s very straight forward and makes sure you are aware...

- Julie S.

Robert Musemeche was exactly what I was looking for when needing a lawyer for my recent divorce. Not ever having needed a lawyer before, I was a bit nervous in finding one. From the first consultation Rob and his staff...

- KT

When I found myself in need of the guidance of an attorney, I was terrified. After watching my elderly mother spend tons of money and heartache in a ridiculous lawsuit for 3 years, I was sure all attorneys were awful...

- Trina F.


Webster Office
711 Bay Area Blvd #540

Webster, TX 77598

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